DR. HÖHL'S Magazine

Experten-Interview: Apfelessig für die Gesundheit
Heute im Interview: Die Evolutions- und Molekularbiologin Frau Prof. Dr. Sabine Paul Thema: 12 Fragen zum Thema Apfelessig für die Gesundheit” Herzlich willkommen in unserer neuen Rubrik "Interviews", in der wir...

Immunsystem stärken mit dem Hausmittel Apfelessig
Die kalte Jahreszeit bringt nicht nur gemütliche Abende und festliche Stimmung mit sich, sie kann auch die ideale Zeit für Erkältungen und Grippe sein. Doch keine Sorge, du kannst dich...

Orchard products – active nature conservation and preservation of tradition
Orchards as a permanent part of our family history In our family tradition, which is over 240 years old, we, today under the name DR. HÖHL'S family, place particular emphasis...

Quick and delicious salad dressing: How to conjure up an explosion of flavor on your plate in no time!
Thanks to our balanced RECIPE 1779 and the high-quality local organic ingredients, preparing your next quick, delicious salad dressing is child's play ! With just 4 ingredients, you can easily...

The Four Thieves Vinegar: Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Tincture
Origin of the legend of the Four Thieves Vinegar Do you know the fascinating story of the Four Thieves' Vinegar? It is a special vinegar-herb tincture that is said to...

Vinegar of health – BioEss Premium organic apple cider vinegar
Archive food advertising: A BioEss poster from the 1960s with the inscription "Vinegar of Health" The vinegar of health Happy Birthday: Throwback 60 years of BioEss organic apple cider vinegar...

Did my parents specifically want to lose weight with apple cider vinegar?
Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight? Today I would like to share my very personal experiences on the much-vaunted topic of “losing weight with apple cider vinegar”. I...

Drink apple cider vinegar: The homemade natural wellness drink without calories
Drinking apple cider vinegar made easy: Simply place a bottle at your workplace or dining table and “season” your water. What our grandfather has already done and has become quite...