DR. HÖHL'S Magazine

Frohe Weihnachten mit Stil: Die Rosé Cuvée Duo Geschenkbox für unvergessliche Momente
Erlebe die festliche Freude des Anstoßens mit unserer exquisiten Gourmet Geschenkbox „Merry Christmas“ Rosé Cuvée Duo. Diese besondere Weihnachtsgeschenk Box bringt alle Rosé-Fans zum Strahlen – mit und ohne Alkohol!...

WOW! The gala recommends POMP Organic Aperitif Feinherb as a trend drink!
Sometimes you just have to be lucky! We are very happy to be featured on the Gala's recommendation page! As a small family business, it's wonderful to play with the...

Is a truly alcohol-free champagne moment possible?
Maybe you've already noticed: You want a truly alcohol-free champagne moment, but unfortunately most "non-alcoholic" drinks often contain residual alcohol . Wines are usually dealcoholized there, with small amounts of...

Truly non-alcoholic sparkling wine: pregnancy – with POMP 0.0
Finally pregnant! We toast with non-alcoholic sparkling wine… There are a few things to consider when it comes to non-alcoholic sparkling wine during pregnancy. Find out everything about it here......