DR. HÖHL'S Magazine

Über Uns – Ein Familienunternehmen mit Herz, Tradition und gutem Geschmack
Willkommen in unserer Welt! Wir sind die Familie hinter der Marke DR. HÖHL’S, und wir freuen uns, dir unsere Geschichte und unsere Leidenschaft für hochwertige Apfelessige vorzustellen.

Orchard products – active nature conservation and preservation of tradition
Orchards as a permanent part of our family history In our family tradition, which is over 240 years old, we, today under the name DR. HÖHL'S family, place particular emphasis...

The Four Thieves Vinegar: Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Tincture
Origin of the legend of the Four Thieves Vinegar Do you know the fascinating story of the Four Thieves' Vinegar? It is a special vinegar-herb tincture that is said to...

Family portrait in the business magazine Hanauer Anzeiger
From the region – we are very pleased about the portrait in the Hanauer Anzeiger magazine WIRTSCHAFT. Published: September 28, 2023

Vinegar of health – BioEss Premium organic apple cider vinegar
Archive food advertising: A BioEss poster from the 1960s with the inscription "Vinegar of Health" The vinegar of health Happy Birthday: Throwback 60 years of BioEss organic apple cider vinegar...

Did my parents specifically want to lose weight with apple cider vinegar?
Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight? Today I would like to share my very personal experiences on the much-vaunted topic of “losing weight with apple cider vinegar”. I...

Family portrait in FAZ magazine
Simply fantastic – we are really happy about this fabulous portrait of our activities and our history. Thank you FAZ Magazine. Published: November 25, 2017

The effects of apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar in naturopathy – observations of apple cider vinegar pioneer Dr. Jarvis Dr. De Forest Clinton Jarvis actually only wanted to write about his experiences as a naturopathic...