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Apple cider vinegar lexicon D to F

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Length of time

How long should you drink apple cider vinegar?

The success of using apple cider vinegar as a drink or bath is not reflected in the dosage, but in the durability. According to the rule “less is more”, the natural remedy apple cider vinegar should be used for life. A break in between is not so bad, but you should integrate apple cider vinegar into your everyday life again and again.


Detox treatment with apple cider vinegar?

Every metabolic process creates “waste” that puts a strain on the organism. Our body needs support when purifying, detoxifying and cleansing.

Daily apple cider vinegar water can make a crucial contribution to cleansing the entire digestive system by destroying putrefactive bacteria and stimulating a healthy acid-base ratio. What is touted today under the term DETOX is old knowledge with new vocabulary.


The apple cider vinegar diet…

Organic apple cider vinegar is the ideal companion to a diet, as it basically revs up the metabolism and its proven positive properties can noticeably intensify the success of a change in diet. Especially on slimming diets, a glass of water with 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar can significantly promote calorie burning and satisfy cravings, as apple cider vinegar has been proven to stabilize blood sugar levels.

More about losing weight with apple cider vinegar


How much apple cider vinegar can you drink?

“Less is more” also applies to daily apple cider vinegar water. The recipe for success with apple cider vinegar lies in long-term use, not in the amount per drink.

Many older people who are healthy and vital have consumed apple cider vinegar throughout their lives. Always dosed in such a way that the apple cider vinegar water is a tasty, slightly sour refreshment.

Depending on the taste and acid requirements of the human body, this corresponds to, for example: 1 – 2 tsp BioEss Naturwolke per 100 ml of water. Everyone should decide that for themselves.

Dr. DC Jarvis

The Apple Cider Vinegar Pope

Dr. Jarvis was an American general practitioner who, based on ancient Indian medicine, treated his patients with apple cider vinegar, honey and algae. He summarized his experiences in his book “Live 5 x 20 Years”. Even today, Dr. Jarvis as apple cider vinegar pope worldwide. With his recommendations, he helped his patients achieve remarkable vitality well into old age.

More about this in the blog

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Detoxify with apple cider vinegar

Every metabolic process creates “waste” that puts a strain on the organism. Our body needs support when purifying, detoxifying and cleansing. Daily apple cider vinegar water can make a crucial contribution to cleansing the entire digestive system by destroying putrefactive bacteria and stimulating a healthy acid-base ratio. What is touted today under the term DETOX is old knowledge with new vocabulary.

Detoxification bath

Bathe in apple cider vinegar

Full-body baths with organic apple cider vinegar are particularly beneficial. Add 1 bottle of organic apple cider vinegar to a tub full of water, enjoyed for at least 20 minutes, gives velvety-soft skin, relieves annoying itching and body odor by regulating the pH value of the skin and killing bacteria. You should treat yourself to such a natural alkaline bath once a month.


Apple cider vinegar as a refreshing drink

Hot days or sweaty exercises during sports make you thirsty and exhausted. This is because when you sweat, the body loses its minerals, which are very important for well-being and performance. Thirsty people have had the best experiences with apple cider vinegar and vinegar water, see below

When carefully measured, a glass of water with a dash of apple cider vinegar extinguishes the “burn” deliciously and sustainably, as there is no hidden residual sugar to make you thirsty for more. It also replenishes your mineral stores and makes you feel fit!

vinegar water

Apple cider vinegar as a natural refreshing drink recommended by naturopaths as a daily elixir of life and fountain of youth. It is a thirst-quenching, refreshing drink without calories but with all the positive effects of apple cider vinegar: tastes good with cold, warm still or carbonated water.

Enriched with mint, lemon, ginger or honey, everyone can season their vinegar water the way it tastes best. Drinking the vinegar water before eating can satisfy cravings and stabilize blood sugar levels. This can help significantly as part of a diet or detoxification treatment.

Mother of vinegar

What is Mother of Vinegar?

The vinegar mother is another word for active vinegar bacteria. It is a not particularly appetizing-looking white-translucent, partially jelly-like mass that is cultured to initiate the second fermentation of the alcohol into acid.

If you leave juice or wine open, fermentation can start on its own because the vinegar bacteria are aerobic, meaning they get the oxygen they need for their metabolic processes from the air. During fermentation, acetaldehyde is first formed, and then acetic acid is formed in combination with water.

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Fasting with apple cider vinegar

Whether therapeutic fasting or intermittent fasting - you should treat yourself to both at least once a year to purify your body and mind and get the cell renewal process going. Daily apple cider vinegar water, especially with a little honey, helps to supply the brain with healthy carbohydrates and minerals and to positively promote probiotics in the intestines.


Is apple cider vinegar fermented?

First of all: Fermentation is the oldest and most natural method of making food last longer. This is caused by natural microorganisms such as bacteria.

With our BioEsss apple cider vinegar, the organic apple is even double-fermented by first converting the fructose in the apple juice into alcohol and then converting the alcohol into acetic acid with the help of vinegar bacteria.

Foot bath

Why bathe feet in vinegar?

Foot baths with 1/8 l of apple cider vinegar have a disinfecting effect (and therefore against athlete's foot) and, when used regularly, help to keep your feet velvety soft. They not only stimulate the feet, but as an alkaline bath they can have a soothing and cleansing effect on the entire organism.


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