How apple cider vinegar can positively influence our blood sugar
Apple cider vinegar has long been used as a natural remedy. From tradition and observation, we know that apple cider vinegar is not only an all-rounder for culinary uses, but also for countless health and, not least, cosmetic applications.
But what is the truth? Will apple cider vinegar give me more energy and balance? What does energy have to do with blood sugar levels? And can apple cider vinegar have a positive effect on blood sugar levels?
(Image Ellen Chan on Pixabay )
A friend told me about Jessie when she said, “Anna, there’s a young French scientist who has shown through studies that you feel better and have more energy if you drink apple cider vinegar before eating !”. To be more precise: Jessie Inachauspé, aka GlucoseGoddess!A young scientist now proves what naturopathy has long observed and recommended:
The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may have health benefits ."
BAM. And our health has something to do with our blood sugar levels - even if we are not diabetics . Aha! I only found out from Jessie why the topics of blood sugar and insulin are relevant for all of us, even if we are healthy. I am currently testing the 10 GlucoseGoddes hacks myself because I feel the need to improve one or two things about myself :-). And to be honest, it is a revelation to me how good I feel after just 3 weeks !
More energy and balance means something different for everyone
For me personally, it's good when I don't have major mood swings, my skin feels better, I sleep more restfully and, best of all, I suddenly have a lot more energy again (and that's as a working mother of a small child - no, I haven't changed anything else). In short, I feel more balanced again! I notice this because in the evenings I simply still have energy left for a round of yoga, still have the energy to read something or work, instead of falling into bed dead tired at 8:30 p.m. like I have for the last two years.
Science on apple cider vinegar and blood sugar levels – finally understandable!
I am more than impressed by the impressive derivations and easy-to-understand graphics of the young biochemist Jessie Inchauspé. This is the first time that I have felt the need to personally advertise for a stranger because I find what she does incredibly valuable. Jessie shows us in her book and on her Instagram account @glucosegoddess how to easily achieve more well-being and energy , and thus more health in the long term. Without restrictions and dogmas, as we know from other forms of nutrition or diet.

Source: Instagram @glucosegoddess
She really clears things up on the subject... I definitely had one or two eye openers! Other things seemed very familiar to me, like " what our grandparents always did... " - and we've forgotten about them. See also our grandparents' apple cider vinegar routine blog post.
The glucose trick with vinegar
Scientific studies also support No. 7 of Jessie's 10 hacks from her book for a flat glucose curve (and of course I'm very interested in this one, since we as a family make BioEss apple cider vinegar):
“Drinking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water (before or with a meal) can reduce the post-meal blood sugar spike by up to 30% .”

Easy to implement: Drink 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before eating to keep the blood sugar curve even flat
She explains scientifically , but in a way that is easy to understand, what blood sugar spikes and a sharply fluctuating glucose curve have to do with our well-being . And why it brings us more into balance when these spikes are flatter after eating. Blood sugar levels can therefore be positively influenced with apple cider vinegar. Isn't that crazy?! 🤩 So you can do something for your health YOURSELF around the clock. It's in your hands! I'm motivated.
In addition to this easy hack, Jessie gives several other tips in her book that I try to implement as best I can - without stress in my everyday life. So it's not just the apple cider vinegar that helps me feel much better. But it is a practical part of it that is easy and inexpensive to implement .
The cheapest dietary supplement in the world: apple cider vinegar?
Dietary supplements are usually expensive, especially if you take them on a long-term basis. A good and, above all, delicious apple cider vinegar (!) can help you to have more energy and balance without breaking the bank .
Let me do the math for you: 1 bottle of DR. HÖHL'S BioEss apple cider vinegar contains 500 ml. If we assume 15 ml for 1 tablespoon, a bottle contains 33 tablespoons. At €3.90, apple cider vinegar water before meals will cost you a mere 12 cents. If you take it 3 times, that would be 36 cents per day for more energy and balance in your life . So you can safely buy a good (and not the cheapest) vinegar.
Practical: A Soulbottle filled with apple cider vinegar water to drink throughout the day
Apple cider vinegar can therefore be a natural dietary supplement and provide more energy and balance - and that for every budget . I think it's particularly great that with our BioEss apple cider vinegar we produce an affordable product that can help other people and tastes good too. #treatyourself!
Eating cake without feeling guilty
Of course, you don't have to use all of the hacks every time. But drinking apple cider vinegar water before coffee is, in my opinion, a brilliant trick for a flatter glucose curve after the piece of cake. Of course, the apple cider vinegar should n't be a free pass for unlimited sweets. But if you're going to have birthday coffee anyway, you can help your body not to go on such a crazy glucose rollercoaster afterwards.
From now on I will have apple cider vinegar water before eating cake
By the way, the apple cider vinegar water can also prevent cravings and you can lead a healthier life overall. The many responses on her Insta channel prove to me that Jessie's 10 simple hacks not only help me to have more energy and balance . So I'm in love. THANK YOU SO MUCH, dear Jessie!
Here you can find Jessie's website and an extensive bibliography that lists all the studies she refers to.