Press review
Apple cider vinegar is making headlines: As FAZ, Bild, T-Online, RTL, and other news sites are currently reporting, a new study by the Holy Spirit University Kaslik in Lebanon confirms the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar as a weight loss aid . Stars like Jennifer Aniston and Victoria Beckham are said to swear by the sour drink.

Source: BILD newspaper, March 18, 2024
Links to all press releases on the topic of apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Source: BILD newspaper, March 16, 2024
New study: Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight? (
Apple cider vinegar for weight loss: The top tips for incorporating diet support into your diet (
Apple cider vinegar diet: Does the sour drink help you lose weight? (
Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight? (
Does all vinegar help you lose weight? (
With the slimming drink, the kilos are falling off (
The slim drink even keeps blood sugar under control (
When the sour slimming drink works best (
Natural detox – this apple cider vinegar routine helps you lose weight (
The effects of Victoria Beckham’s apple cider vinegar routine (
Is apple cider vinegar healthy? (
Apple cider vinegar and healthy teeth – what to look out for when taking it (
What is the apple cider vinegar diet good for? (
Health news: Lose weight with apple cider vinegar without giving up (
Lose weight with apple cider vinegar – increase fitness (
Apple cider vinegar may potentially reduce weight, blood sugar and blood lipid levels (
The direct link to the apple cider vinegar study:
Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight? – New study from Lebanon 2024
Older studies:
Influence of vinegar on glucose metabolism: A narrative review, 2019
Good videos from various doctors on the topic of apple cider vinegar for weight loss:
Further links and tips for even more application examples for apple cider vinegar:
Beauty product apple cider vinegar: Beautiful nails with apple cider vinegar (
Video: Why daily consumption of apple cider vinegar is healthy for your body (
We collect all reports and studies in our apple cider vinegar press review. The respective operators of the pages are responsible for their content.
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